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What to Expect from the Future of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing technology has completely revolutionized the tech world, becoming one of the most influential forces on the market today. Its growth has been exponential; quickly evolving from “up-and-coming technology” to “industry standard,” the cloud has become an essential element of any innovative strategy by cultivating affordable, reliable business solutions for countless industries. With no end to the cloud’s expansion in sight, we’re going to take a look into the most anticipated trends that are shaping the future of cloud computing.

Enterprise Cloud Spending Will Continue to Soar

Currently, more than a third of organizations consider cloud services one of their top investing priorities, and the impact these investments are having on the market is evident. In 2019 alone, the worldwide public cloud services market is projected to grow 17.5%, totaling an ultimate $214.3 billion. Furthermore, by 2022, it’s anticipated that the market size and growth of the cloud services industry will see nearly three times the growth of overall IT services, coming in at an astounding $331.2 billion. It should come as no surprise that it’s expected that more than 30% of today’s tech providers’ new software investments will shift from cloud-first to cloud-only by the end of this year.

Data Security Will Remain the Highest Priority

The cloud has expanded and complicated the data security landscape, reshaping the notion of what is considered adequate protection. The complexity of data security issues is only expected to increase with time – as more devices connect to the cloud and the number of potential breach points rapidly grows, it’s critical for cloud service providers to increase their dedication to security.

That being said, businesses are also becoming increasingly aware of their short-comings – it’s projected that by 2022, 95% of cloud security failures won’t be attributed to the cloud, but instead to users who haven’t implemented the appropriate risk-avoidance strategies. This is causing many enterprises to enforce cloud visibility and control tools, automating as much of their cloud as possible. With providers and businesses working in tandem to protect their data, it’s predicted that by next year, cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) workloads will experience at least 60% fewer security conflicts than those in conventional data centers.

Serverless Options Will Overtake Containers

In addition to utilizing IaaS, serverless computing is emerging as a favorite for CIOs attempting to further ensure the security of their data. This software architecture automates tasks performed by infrastructure and operations (I&O) teams, such as design and manual provisions. Additionally, serverless can handle patching, backup, and database management, acting on business logic to reduce the cost of I&O management by double digits, and allowing its human counterparts to focus on other tasks. Today, serverless only makes up about 5% of the cloud industry – but that number is anticipated to quadruple going forward, with researchers sharing that more than 20% of global enterprises will have deployed serverless in some capacity by 2020.

Cities Will Integrate Digital-First Infrastructure

The cloud will provide the digital infrastructure for the future of our major cities, effecting an estimated 6 billion individuals globally by 2045. These changes will come in a variety of shapes and sizes – from smart elevators to driverless cars to automated farms – all anticipated to be more safely and effectively managed than today.

The goal is for smart cities to operate as autonomous connected ecosystems, capturing data from numerous sources to curate a holistic view of an environment. Smart cities take pre-existing location-based information and business intelligence from sources like urban planning, census, transportation, public safety, and more, consistently making this data more accurate. This information is then used to develop actionable insights, leading to increasingly effective solutions for infrastructure planning and management, such as to make budgetary decisions or enhance the response of emergency services. These tools and resources will soon transform the safety and quality of life for their residents on a global scale.

Preparing Your Organization for the Future of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is already an integral piece of software development, quickly becoming a necessity for modern businesses as they increase the agility of their business strategies. That being said, understanding the intricacies of the tech and staying on top of the constant developments in the industry presents a challenge for even the most tactical CIO. With so many transformative innovations on the horizon for the cloud, there’s no better time to hire an expert into your organization than now.

Uncover top cloud professionals in no time with the PTYTECH LLC experts – let’s have a conversation about your company’s future, today.


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